FAQ - Actisense Common Questions

Over the last year, we have helped thousands of you with various questions. From simple purchasing right through to troubleshooting and fault finding on very large installations. We pay close attention to what YOU, the customer wants to know.

Here are the most common technical questions we’ve repeatedly had over the year, with a comprehensive answer to compliment:

Does the EMU-1 work with my Raymarine Axiom MFD?

This is probably the most common question we get asked. Partly thanks to how comprehensive the EMU-1 is, and partly thanks to Raymarine for creating what is arguably the best value for money MFD on the market with wide functionality.

The simple answer is yes. The EMU-1 will work with a Raymarine Axiom MFD, just like it will with any NMEA 2000 certified display that is capable of understanding and displaying Engine Data. The EMU-1 can output a number of Engine and Transmission data PGNs. How these are displayed on the MFD is down to the MFD manufacturer and the menus they have available. Some may allow for multiple engines on one page, one may only allow for a single-engine per page for example.

For any specific questions on the MFD you choose, we can try to help where we can, but it is best to contact the manufacturer for their advice.

Will my W2K-1 work with Navionics and OpenCPN?

The W2K-1 is continually tested against all of the most popular apps in the industry, to ensure reliability and optimized operation between the device and the app. We can confirm that the W2K-1 will work with both Navionics and OpenCPN, along with a large number of other applications. The full list of compatible apps can be found here:


We are always open to more applications to test. So, if you have one that’s not listed which you would like testing then please let us know and we will look into it!

In regards to OpenCPN and the W2K-1, there is an article here that gives a detailed explanation of connecting the device to the PC program;


Is SeaTalkNG the same as NMEA 2000?

There is a common misconception that SeaTalkNG is a different protocol to NMEA 2000. Fortunately, this is not true, as they are in fact almost identical in every way. On a data and protocol level, they are exactly the same, meaning that STNG devices will communicate with NMEA 2000 certified devices seamlessly on the same network. The only difference between the two is the physical layer.

NMEA 2000 utilises the DeviceNet standard for cable and connectors, where DeviceNet M12 connectors are used. STNG is a Raymarine proprietary method of cabling, however, they can still be connected to NMEA 2000 with ease. Using adapter cables such as the Raymarine A06045, an STNG cable can easily be connected to an NMEA 2000 M12 connection.

Is SeaTalk 1 the same as NMEA 0183?

Unfortunately, SeaTalk 1 and NMEA 0183 are not the same and do not share the same connectivity or sentences. They do both operate on a serial data protocol, however, they cannot be connected together without a converter. SeaTalk 1 is a Raymarine proprietary messaging protocol, which NMEA 0183 devices do not understand.

SeaTalk 1 consists of 3 wires; a 12V supply, GND / Common, and a Data wire which connect in parallel. NMEA 0183 on the other hand has 4 wires (if NMEA 0183 v2.0+), with a transmit pair and a receive pair.

Can I change my NGT into an NGW or vice-versa?

Sadly this is not possible. There are a number of reasons as to why we cannot support this, with the simplest being the labeling and product database issues. If an installer goes out to a vessel that has an NGT-1 on but is labeled as an NGW-1, they run the risk of getting confused. They could potentially end up testing the wrong things.

Alongside this, our database and your dealer/distributor databases will detail what the product is. If it is ever returned or tested, the product may potentially be deemed faulty because it has been changed, but the tester doesn’t know of this.


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