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What is provided in the ActisenseComms SDK package?

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The SDK contains:

  • All the files required to develop a software interface to a compatible Actisense product (NGT-1 and NGW-1) using C/C++ as a programming language.
  • A Visual Studio ‘Demo’ project including full source code that is fully debuggable. This includes examples of how to use each and every function that makes up the ActisenseComms API and should be the ‘first point of call’ for every developer.
  • A full user manual that starts by explaining how to use each ActisenseComms API function and ends with a “How to…” section built up from the answers to the previous developer’s questions.

If you have any further questions regarding ActisenseComms please raise a support ticket.

For more information on NMEA 0183 and how it works, please download our free guide to NMEA 0183 networking.
For more information on NMEA 2000 and how it works, please download our free guide to NMEA 2000 networking.
